On June 14, 2017, we launched the City’s Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) project to replace our current Financial, Human Resources and
Payroll systems, which are over 20 years old.
Unfortunately, the ERP project has encountered many unexpected
challenges and, after thorough evaluation and analysis, we have
determined that it is best to reschedule the project go-live date to
January 1, 2019 for all modules. This decision was made jointly between
the City and CherryRoad, our implementation partner.
As background, the data integration between the City’s existing
systems to the new system (Oracle) is requiring extensive analysis,
design and testing – much more than anticipated. In addition, and also
unexpected, the City upgraded Oracle to version 13 in March to leverage
the functionality that was much needed in all areas.
Although this
slowed down the implementation, it will greatly enhance the finished
product. Third, due to the popularity of this new Cloud software,
CherryRoad has experienced staffing challenges and were unable to
provide the right resources at the right time.
In order to achieve go-live on January 1, 2019, the following corrective actions have been taken:
- CherryRoad has provided additional staffing of 2.5 FTE.
- CherryRoad has replaced their Project Manager.
- The City has reallocated internal resources to help with the ERP Project.
- The new timeline will provide additional time to redesign complex interfaces and conversions and ensure end-to-end testing.
- The new timeline will provide additional time to test Oracle 13 upgrade and evaluate impacts on the design and testing.