How are you working these days?

Updated April 13, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic and stay at home orders have changed the way we work. Share your photos of your work environment, at home or otherwise.

Scott Bower

Scott Bower (Public Works)

Norm Woods

Norm Woods (EU)

Stefanie Kemen

Stefanie Kemen (Public Works)

Scott Oase

Scott Oase (Fire)

Melissa Kinsey

Melissa Kinsey (Utility Exploration Center)

Jana Cervantes

Jana Cervantes (Public Works) and Dozer (volunteer)

Lindsay Duck

Lindsay Duck (Public Affairs and Communications)

Nick Shrader

Nick Shrader (EU)

Gabe Sorenson

Gabe Sorenson (Police)

Jeannine Thrash

Jeannnine Thrash (Finance)

Ben Wild

Ben Wild (Parks, Recreation & Libraries)

Nicole Fenton

Nicole Fenton (Electric)

Russel Soares

Russel Soars (Parks, Recreation & Libraries)

Nik Mandelik

Nik Mandelik (EU)

Lt Kelby Newton

Lt. Kelby Newton (Police)

Terry Bradley and Lulu

Terry Bradley (Finance) and Lulu (intern)

David McQueary

David McQueary (EU)

Josh Paul

Officer Josh Paul (Police)

Jonathon Levy

Jonathan Levy (City Attorney's office)

Derek Roe

Derek Roe (EU)

Brian Jacobson

Brian Jacobson (Public Affairs and Communications)

Steve Uren

Steve Uren (EU)

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