Downtown bridges among awards winners from CPRS

Updated January 27, 2020
It looks like Roseville will be stealing the show at the California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS) conference and awards banquet. We have been honored with the 2019 CPRS Award of Excellence in three categories!

Excellence in Design - Downtown Roseville Bridges
Marketing & Communications Campaign - Celebrate Downtown marketing campaign
Marketing & Communications Digital Media - Aquatics recruitment video

We will also be participating in the Best of the Best Showcase to share more information about our award winning projects. (Also of note, our very own , Tara Gee will be sworn in a President of CPRS at this conference as well.)

Congrats to all who had a part in these projects (bigger than PRL) and if you haven't seen the aquatics video, take a quick look.

Shameless plug: summer lifeguard positions open on January 28 and summer camp jobs aren't far off so share, share, share if you are so inclined. More details at

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