Hot weather is approaching Northern California. Now is the time to consider the dangers associated with working outside in extreme temperatures. High heat can present severe physical risks to any worker. Your best protection is knowing how to prepare for these conditions.
There is a new, mandatory training material that has been assigned to all applicable employees. Please visit RoseU to explore this information before the hot weather grabs a hold on Roseville.
Here is some information that you will want to consider while working outside:
- Don’t push yourself too hard or too fast to complete work assignments in the heat. Get used to the changing work conditions. Pace yourself.
- Be sure to take regular, scheduled breaks.
- Wear light, layered clothing. Wear a hat and use sunscreen.
- Drink fluids often. Dehydration is a significant concern for all workers in elevated temperatures.
- Be sure to communicate. If you feel dizzy, tired, confused, or disoriented – tell your supervisor immediately. This could be a serious condition.
This data can help you understand the risks of heat-related illness, how to identify these conditions, and how to prepare for and address these dangers.