The City Council will be holding the final two FY18-19 budget workshops on June 4-5. The final FY18-19 budget will be adopted at the June 20 City Council meeting.
As you may recall, the Council was given the full EngageRoseville report at its April 4th meeting. The report included recommendations from the Community Priorities Advisory Committee (CPAC) and results from our FlashVote surveys, Balancing Act, the Community Conversation, and email and phone call comments.
Since the
Service Reduction Workshop on April 10, staff has used the feedback to further develop next fiscal year’s budget. At the workshop, several Council members discussed the need to bring in additional revenue to help maintain the service standards that have been established.
The community also indicated support for increased revenue to maintain services and service levels in the CPAC recommendations, the Community Conversation survey results and the other outreach efforts.
In addition, a recent poll was conducted to gauge support levels for different types of revenue increases. At its June 6 meeting, the City Council will hear the results of the poll and determine whether to put a measure on the November ballot for a community vote.
A consistent question we hear is, “what has the city done to contain costs?” Over the past 10 years, the City has taken significant steps to adjust to changes in the changing economic and fiscal climate. Many of the cuts have not been seen by the public.
This is a complete list of previous budget reductions, and is a tremendous resource you can use to answer those questions you may get or otherwise share with your friends and neighbors. You can also point them to